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Co-design of a carer support app: connecting carers to help prevent infection and improve resilience

University of Stirling
United Kingdom
Type of Study
Participatory co-design
Qualitative interviews
Key Focus of Study
This project focuses on one of Scotland’s most vulnerable populations at risk of COVID-19 – informal carers of people with life-limiting conditions. We will use a participatory co-design process to prototype and test an app for use on readily available mobile devices (i.e. phone or tablet). The app will enable informal carers to receive peer support for their caring practices, access targeted, credible and accurate learning resources, and minimize isolation. Qualitative interviews with carers using the app will assess impact of the app on reduced risk of spreading infection by minimising in-person interactions, but increased peer support.
Key Stakeholders
Informal carers of people with life-limiting conditions
Funding Institution(s)
CSO Scotland
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