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Projects in North Kivu

IFRC Community Feedback from Ebola-affected Communities

International Federation of the Red Cross, CDC, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases
Country of Study
Location of Study
North Kivu and Ituri provinces: Beni, Bunia, Butembo, Kalunguta, Katwa, Komanda, Mabalako, Mambasa, Mandima, Masereka, Musienene, Mutwanga, Oicha, Rwampara, Tchomia, Kayna
Type of Study
Qualitative data collection as part of community outreach
Community volunteers collect free text comments during their community engagement work (community mobilization, household visits). Iterative, ongoing process of capturing data, rapid analysis, and dissemination to inform decision-making teams and local commissions managing the response in country. Community feedback is also summarized on an interactive web-based platform developed with HDX
Key Focus of Study
Capturing community feedback from people in Ebola-affected communities (rumors, observations, beliefs, questions, suggestions, notes of appreciation, cases of household visit refusals) to rapidly inform response. Main questions of work: what are the main rumors, beliefs, observations, questions, suggestions from people in Ebola-affected communities? Do these vary by community or over time? How can they be used to improve Ebola response activities and protect health of communities?
Key Stakeholders
Ebola-affected communities, IFRC field volunteers, response leaders
Sample size
Variable. Individuals are not sampled; unit of analysis is free-text comment. One comment may be attributed to one or more people.
Since mid-August 2018
Funding Institution
IFRC Ebola response funding; CDC providing substantial technical (not financial) support and funds translation of feedback data into English
Date when findings can be shared
Shared regularly within a week of collection
For more info, contact


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