COVID-19 / 2020.10.05

NIVEL presents influenza mortality in a new website!

Assessing the mortality impact of seasonal and pandemic influenza is essential to optimize public health responses, today and in the future. Our partner Nivel has initiated the influenza mortality project to assess influenza mortality at a global, regional, and national level.

We interviewed John Paget to learn more about this project:

What is the aim of the project? 

The influenza mortality project aims to assess influenza mortality (seasonal and pandemic) at a global, regional, and national level. The project has received funds mainly from WHO, Geneva.

What is the process you followed to collect the data?

Data collection varies by study. In some cases, our research team estimated the national mortality rates and in others, these were provided by third parties (e.g. CDC).

Based on the results, how do you evaluate influenza and other pandemics mortality compared to COVID-19?

We have not yet performed the COVID-19 analysis. But this analysis is planned and our influenza mortality estimates will form the basis for this comparison.

More information on Nivel’s website.


About the Author

Joy Cremesty

Communications Manager

Joy is a Communications Specialist with over 10 years of extensive experience in the industry. She’s currently responsible for developing and implementing all the communication strategies to promote Sonar-Global.

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