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Risk assessment for cross-border importation of Ebola using population movement patterns: an application of the Population Connectivity Across Borders (PopCAB) method

Uganda Ministry of Health, Infectious Diseases Institute, Uganda Field Epidemiology Training Program, US CDCUganda office, US CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine - Global Border Health Team
Country of Study
Uganda, Tanzania and DRC
Location of Study
Uganda: 12 districts along border with DRC
Tanzania: 72 event locations across Kagera, Kigoma, and Rukwa Regions; Direct partnership between CDC and the Ministry of Health (there was no additional partner – we trained about 40 MOH staff, including the Director of Port Health Services who led the initiative, and those staff then conducted the field work)
DRC: 5 event locations in eastern DRC; Direct partnership between CDC and the Ministry of Health Border Health Services group (PNHF) (there was no additional partner)
Type of Study
Field Study
Focus group discussions & key informant interviews with participatory mapping: application of the Population Connectivity Across Borders (PopCAB) method
Key Focus of Study
To characterize population movement patterns to inform understandings of potential outbreak spread & to tailor Ebola preparedness activities
Key Stakeholders
Ministry of Health, National Task Force, Infectious Diseases Institute, Field Epidemiology Training Program, Ebola vaccination campaign design team; District Task Force, district surveillance officers, health care providers, staff at points of entry; village health teams, community leaders, traditional healers, security officers, transporters
Sample size
Convenience sampled to implement as many field-based events as possible within preparedness activities
6 August 2018 to present
Funding Institution
Please find the report here
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