EPICAST – The Sonar-Global Podcast


EPICAST is a podcast series about epidemics from Sonar-Global. The aim of this podcast is to explore the social dimensions of infectious diseases outbreaks so that we can get better at controlling them.

EPICAST is conducted by Dr Annie Wilkinson and Dr Megan Schmidt-Sane from the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.  In this podcast, Annie and Megan invited several researchers in infectious diseases, medical anthropology, epidemics, and global health, to discuss and explore the social dimensions of infectious diseases, vaccine hesitancy, and COVID-19.




Podcast episodes:

The social dimensions of the Coronavirus outbreak

Why it is important to integrate the social sciences in AMR?

The social life of COVID-19 data

Social Science Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Equity

Learning from the social science of vaccine deployment and administration

Sonar Global’s work on vulnerability and community engagement

Moral panics during epidemics


EPICAST is available on our website and on Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Podcast.




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